Sailing Directions, both "Planning" and "Enroute" guides, are published by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) under the authority of the Department of Defense. These are best thought of as Coast Pilots for non-U.S. waters.
Planning Guides are intended to assist mariners in planning ocean passages within a particular ocean basin. Each of the (5) Planning Guides typically represent one of the world’s ocean basins or continents with the Atlantic Ocean being split between (2) volumes.
Additionally they provide information on individual countries whose borders are adjacent to that ocean basin. Information about electronic navigation systems, recommended routes, traffic separation schemes, pilotage requirements, vessel traffic services (VTS), buoyage systems, prohibited areas, weather, currency, government, holidays, industries, languages, territorial waters, restricted areas, time zones, US Embassies and other pertinent subjects and dangers.
This guide is used in conjunction with Sailing Directions (Enroute) Pub. #’s 125, 126, 127, 153, 154, 155, 157, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, and 164.
Sailing Directions Pacific Ocean & S.E. Asia (2018) - Download.
This guide is used in conjunction with Sailing Directions (Enroute) Pub. #’s 131, 132, 141, 142, 143, 145, 146, 147, 148, 191, 192, 193, 194, and 195.
Sailing Directions N. Atlantic Ocean, Baltic, North & Mediterranean Seas (2019) - Download.
This guide is used in conjunction with Sailing Directions (Enroute) Pub. #’s 124, 123, 171, 172, 173, 174, and 175.
Sailing Directions S. Atlantic & Indian Oceans (2019) - Download.
This guide is used in conjunction with Sailing Directions (Enroute) Pub. #’s 181, 182, and 183.
Sailing Directions Arctic Ocean (2020) - Download.
(Updated) 26 February 2022.
Sailing Directions Antarctica (2020) - Download.
Enroute Guides are currently published in (37) volumes and provide detailed coastal and port approach information covering non-U.S. harbors, coasts, and adjacent waters and which supplements the largest scale chart produced by the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency for that area.
Each Enroute publication is divided into geographic areas called sectors. Each sector includes detailed information about the coastal winds, currents, ice, dangers, geographic features and ports, channel descriptions, anchorages, facilities, and a graphic key to the nautical charts available for the sector. Basically, Sailing Directions (Enroute) provide important information for the navigator which cannot be conveniently shown on a chart.
Pub. #123 - SW Coast of Africa-2021
Pub. #124 - E Coast S America-2017
Pub. #126 - Pacific Islands-2017
Pub. #131 - W. Mediterranean-2022
Pub. #132 - E. Mediterranean-2020
Pub. #141 - Scotland-2018
Pub. #142 - Ireland-W Coast England-2022
(New!) 2022 Edition.
Pub. #143 - W Coast Europe-NW Africa-2022
Pub. #145 - Nova Scotia-St Lawerence-2018
Pub. #146 - Newfoundland-Labrador-Hudson Bay-2021
(Updated!) Corrected to 19 February 2022.
Pub. #147 - Caribbean Sea V I-2018
Pub. #148 - Caribbean Sea V II-2022
Pub. #153 - W. Coast Mexico & Central America-2021
Pub. #154 - British Columbia-2022
Pub. #155 - East Coast of Russia-2021
(Updated) 19 February 2022.
Pub. #157 - Korea & China-2022
(New!) 2022 Edition.
Pub. #158 - Japan V I-2017
Pub. #159 - Japan V II-2017
Pub. #161 - China Sea/Gulf of Thailand-2020
(Updated) 05 February 2022.
Pub. #162 - Philippine Islands-2017
Pub. #163 - Borneo, Jawa, Sulawesi, & Tenggara-2018
Pub. #164 - New Guinea-2020
Pub. #171 - E. Africa & South Indian Ocean-2020
Pub. #172 - Red Sea & Persian Gulf-2020
(Updated!) Corrected to 12 February 2022.
Pub. #173 - India & Bay of Bengal-2017
Pub. #174 - Strait of Malacca & Sumatera-2019
Pub. #175 - N, S, & W Coasts of Australia-2022
(New!) 2022 Edition.>
Pub. #181 - Greenland and Iceland-2021
Pub. #182 - N and W Coasts of Norway-2018
Pub. #183 - North Coast of Russia-2021
(Updated!) Corrected to 05 February 2022.
Pub. #191 - English Channel-2022
(New!) 2022 Edition.
Pub. #192 - North Sea-2017
Pub. #193 - Skaggerak-Kattegat-2020
Pub. #194 - Baltic Sea (Southern Part)-2019
(Updated!) Corrected to 15 January 2022.
Pub. #195 - Gulf of Finland & Gulf of Bothnia-2021
(Updated!) Corrected to 19 February 2022.