Below, we have listed links to view or download all Okeechobee Waterway Resources found on our pages. These tables can be downloaded for your personal and private use. The files are Zipped Adobe (.pdf) format.
A complete list of the locks on the OWW with their distances, lifts, estimated transit times, low water lock restrictions, and lock chamber waypoints.
Okeechobee Waterway Lock Transit Tables – View or Download.
Okeechobee Lock Waypoints - View or Download
A complete listing of all bridges crossing the OWW. Table includes bridge names, locations, vertical clearances, operating bridge restrictions, communications frequencies, and telephone numbers when known.
Okeechobee Waterway Bridge Schedule and Restrictions – View or Download.
Tables showing USACE draft recommendations based on Lake Okeechobee water levels for both the "Cross Lake Route" (Route #1) and the "Rim Route" (Route #2.)
A "Route Recommendation Table" based on your vessels draft and current water levels in Lake Okeechobee is also available.
Okeechobee Draft Recommendation Table for Route #1 – View or Download.
Okeechobee Draft Recommendation Table for Route #2 – View or Download.
Okeechobee Route Recommendation Table – View or Download.
The OWW Distance Tables provide distances between major points along the entire length of the waterway. It is useful in planning your trip as well as an aid in computing passage times along the way. Tables are available in SM’s, NM’s, and KM’s.
Okeechobee Waterway Distance Tables – View or Download.
All tables mentioned above including: Lock Transit Tables, Lock Chamber Waypoints, Bridge Clearances and Restrictions, Draft Recommendation Tables, Route Suggestion Tables, and Distances Tables between major points along the Okeechobee Waterway can be downloaded as a single file.
Okeechobee Waterway NavPak – Download.