
Cayuga-Seneca Canal Distances

Cayuga-Seneca Canal Distance Tables

The Cayuga-Seneca Canal being the shortest canal section in the New York State Canal System will make the passage to either Cayuga Lake or Seneca Lake rather quick when compared to the other canals. There is only 5.8 SM (5.0 NM) of canal to the entrance to Cayuga Lake and 17.4 SM (15.1 NM) to the entrance to Seneca Lake.

Beginning at the junction of the Cayuga-Seneca Canal/Erie Canal, it is 3.9 SM (3.6 NM) to Lock CS1 and 4.2 SM (3.7 NM) to the Cayuga Lake/Seneca Lake Junction.

From the Cayuga Lake/Seneca Lake Junction:

1. Continuing south it is an additional 1.6 SM (1.4 NM) to the entrance to Cayuga Lake, and an additional 37.7 SM (32.8 NM) down the center of Cayuga lake to Ithaca, NY for a total distance of 43.4 SM (37.8 NM) from the Cayuga-Seneca/Erie Canal Junction to Ithaca.

2. Turning westbound for Seneca Lake it 13.2 SM (11.5 NM) to the lake’s entrance via Seneca Falls and Waterloo, NY. On entering Seneca Lake, it is an additional 34.6 SM (30.1 NM) to Watkins Glen, NY.

Distance Table

Cayuga-Seneca Canal - Distance Table
Cayuga-Seneca Distances (Statute Miles) C-S Canal Jct. Lock CS1 C-S Lake Jct. Lock CS2 Lock CS3 Seneca Falls, NY Lock CS4 Waterloo, NY Seneca Lake Ent. Geneva, NY Watkins Glen, NY Ithaca, NY
C-S/Erie Canal Jct. 0.0 4.04 4.19 8.01 8.08 8.86 12.31 12.57 17.42 19.15 52.12 43.44
Lock CS1 4.04 0.0 0.22 3.89 3.96 4.89 8.46 8.60 13.45 15.18 48.15 39.47
C/S Lake Jct. 4.19 0.22 0.0 3.67 3.74 4.67 8.24 8.38 13.23 14.96 47.93 39.25
Lock CS2 8.01 3.89 3.67 0.0 0.07 0.78 4.35 4.49 9.34 11.07 44.04 42.92
Lock CS3 8.08 3.96 3.74 0.07 0.0 0.71 4.28 4.42 9.27 11.00 43.97 42.99
Seneca Falls, NY 8.86 4.89 4.67 0.78 0.71 0.0 3.57 3.71 8.56 10.29 43.26 43.92
Lock CS4 12.43 8.46 8.24 4.35 4.28 3.57 0.0 0.14 4.99 6.72 39.69 47.49
Waterloo, NY 12.57 8.60 8.38 4.49 4.42 3.71 0.14 0.0 4.85 6.58 39.55 47.63
Seneca Lake Ent. 17.42 13.45 13.23 9.34 9.27 8.56 4.99 4.85 0.0 1.73 37.70 52.48
Geneva, NY 19.15 15.18 14.96 11.07 11.00 10.29 6.72 6.58 1.73 0.0 32.97 54.21
Watkins Glen, NY 52.12 48.15 47.93 44.04 43.97 43.26 39.69 39.55 37.70 32.97 0.0 87.18
Ithaca, NY 43.44 39.47 39.25 42.92 42.99 43.92 47.49 47.53 52.48 54.21 87.18 0.0
Distances in Statute Miles

The Cayuga-Seneca Canal Distance Table is available in Statute Miles, Nautical Miles, and Kilometers and can be downloaded for your personal and private use. The file is Zipped Adobe (.pdf) format.

Cayuga-Seneca Canal Distance Tables - Download

Speed Limits

The speed limits for the Cayuga-Seneca Canal except in the vicinity of the locks and unless otherwise posted is as follows:

Cayuga-Seneca Canal - Speed Limits
Canal Leg MPH Knots KPH
Cayuga-Seneca/Erie Canal Jct. to CS1 30.0 26.1 48.3
Lock CS1 to Cayuga Lake 10.0 8.7 16.1
Cayuga Lake to Ithaca, NY Unlimited
Lock CS1 to CS2 10.0 8.7 16.1
Lock CS2 to CS3 Idle Idle Idle
Lock CS3 to CS4 10.0 8.7 16.1
Lock CS4 to Seneca Lake 10.0 8.7 16.1
Seneca Lake to Watkins Glen, NY Unlimited
Except in the vicinity of locks or as otherwise posted.
You are responsible for your wake!

The Cayuga-Seneca Canal Speed Table can be downloaded for your personal and private use. The file is Zipped Adobe (.pdf) format.

Cayuga-Seneca Canal Speed Table - Download

Transit Times

As a general guide, the Erie Canal / Seneca-Cayuga Canal Junction at Kipp Island to Seneca Lake will require about 3.6 hours @ 10 mph (8.7 knots).

The Cayuga-Seneca Canal Distance Table (above) provides distances between the major points along the entire length of the canal. When used in conjunction with the speed limits throughout the canal, it is useful in planning your trip as well as an aid in computing passage times along the way.

Cayuga-Seneca Canal - Transit Times
  Transit Times @ The Lesser of:
Indicated Speeds or Posted Speed Limit
  MPH 8.0 10.0 15.0
  Knots 7.0 8.7 13.0
Canal Leg # of Locks Transit Time @ Posted Speed Limit KPH 12.9 16.1 24.1
Kipp Island to Lock CS1 0 8 Min.   30 Min. 24 Min. 16 Min.
Lock CS1 to Cayuga Lake 1 32 Min.   35 Min. 32 Min. 32 Min.
Cayuga Lake to Ithaca, NY 0 1.3 Hrs   4.5 Hrs 3.6 Hrs 2.4 Hrs
Lock CS1 to Lock CS2 1 43 Min.   49 Min. 43 Min. 43 Min.
Lock CS2 to Lock CS3 1 21 Min.   21 Min. 21 Min. 21 Min.
Lock CS3 to Lock CS4 1 46 Min.   52 Min. 46 Min. 46 Min.
Lock CS4 to Seneca Lake 0 50 Min.   57 Min. 50 Min. 50 Min.
Seneca Lake to Watkins Glen, NY 0 1.3 Hrs   4.7 Hrs 3.8 Hrs 2.5 Hrs

The Cayuga-Seneca Canal Transit Table can be downloaded for your personal and private use. The file is Zipped Adobe (.pdf) format.

Cayuga-Seneca Canal Transit Times Table - Download

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